Wed Feb 28 2024 17:01:09 GMT+0800 (China Standard Time)

Dear Adventurers,

Infinite Magicraid will be officially updated on February 29th, 03:00 (UTC). In the new version, we've updated a lot of content. Let's go and check the event news:

[New Heroes]

[Event News]

1. Miracle Wish UP Heroes from March 1st 02:00 (UTC) to March 4th 02:00 (UTC):

Legend: Johnny, Marville, Seth, Nilua, and Villette

Epic: Novenick, Gora, Mackin, and Hayley

New heroes can only be obtained through Miracle Wish for now. After two weeks, they can be obtained through Excellent Wish and Supreme Wish.

2. With the call of the tides and caress of waves, the traditional festival of the Hidden Wave — Waves of Euphoria is going to open in the season of waves. We sincerely invite every adventurer who is fascinated by the sea and yearning for freedom. Participate in the Waves of Euphoria themed events from March 4th 02:00 (UTC) to March 11th 02:00 (UTC) to feel the Hidden Waves' reverence for the sea, connecting and resonating with them.

Holiday Sign-in: During the event, adventurers can sign in 7 days to get event-exclusive Avatar, as well as Supreme Rune x1, Stamina x1000, and Novenick x4.

3. The reward hero of Hero Quests in March is Boole.

4. Free Hero Regression event will be live from February 29th 02:00 (UTC) to March 7th 02:00 (UTC), during which Villette and Edith can be regressed for free.

[Feature Adjustments]

1. Adjusted the priority of displaying Heroes' effects. Faction effects have higher priority than normal buffs now.

[Hero Adjustments]


Basic Attack: <Chaotic Waterball>

Before: There is a 20% chance to inflict [Confused] for 1 turn.

After: There is a 20% chance to inflict [SPD Down I] for 2 turns.

Active Skill: <Waterdrop Maze>

Skill effects completely changed. After: Cleanses 3 layers of non-control debuffs from all allies and restores all allies' HP by 9%/10%/11%/12%/12% of Villette's Max HP. Afterward, attacks all enemies, removing 1 layer of a buff from each enemy first and then dealing 100% ATK DMG to them.

Passive Skill: <Sound of Spirals>

Skill effects completely changed. After: Villette gains 1 layer of [Afflatus] at the beginning of her turns or upon any target's death, up to 8 layers and will not be removed when the owner dies or at the wave transition. After Villette gains [Afflatus] at the beginning of her turns, triggers extra effects based on the number of layers of [Afflatus] owned:

1 layer: Restores all allies HP by 3.6%/4.0%/4.4%/4.8%/5.2% of Villette's Max HP.

4 layers: Also grants all allies [Ripple I] for 2 turns.

8 layers: Also grants all allies [Ripple II] for 2 turns.

Active Skill: <Ocean Waves>

Skill effects completely changed. After: Deals 120%/140%/160%/180%/180% ATK DMG to all enemies and triggers extra effects based on the number of layers of [Afflatus] owned:

1 layer: There is a 40% chance to inflict [Wet II] for 2 turns.

4 layers: Makes all enemies lose 12%/14%/16%/18%/18% of Max HP (caps at 36%/42%/48%/54%/54% of Villette's Max HP).

8 layers: There is also a 40% chance to inflict [Feebleness II] for 2 turns.


Level 1

Skill effects completely changed. After: <Waterdrop Maze>: Also grants all allies [Block Debuff] for 1 turn.

Level 2

Skill effects completely changed. After: When an ally's HP is lower than 30%, Villette cleanses all debuffs from them immediately and restores their HP by 12% of Max HP. For every 1 layer of [Afflatus] owned by Villette, additionally restores their HP by 1.5% of Max HP. Skill CD: 3 turns.

Level 3

Skill effects completely changed. After: <Ocean Waves>: Inflicts 3 layers of [Raging Waves] for 2 turns (up to 3 layers) on enemies before dealing DMG. Each time the target with [Raging Waves] takes DMG from active skills, loses 8% of Max HP (caps at 24% of Villette's Max HP) and 1 layer of [Raging Waves] will be removed.


Basic Attack: <Spiritual Waterball>

Before: Deals 260%/280%/280%/300%/300% ATK DMG to a single enemy, with a 40%/40%/50%/50%/60% chance to inflict [Wet II] for 2 turns.

After: Deals 200%/220%/220%/240%/240% ATK DMG to a single enemy, with a 40%/40%/50%/50%/60% chance to inflict [Wet II] for 2 turns. If the target already has [Wet II], inflicts [Feebleness I] for 2 turns instead.

Active Skill: <Waterball Attack>

Before: Shoots 5 magical waterballs which prioritize attacking different enemies. Each waterball deals 160% ATK DMG, with a 40%/50%/60%/70%/70% chance to inflict [Wet II] for 2 turns.

After: Shoots 5 magical waterballs, each attacking a single enemy and prioritizing attacking different enemies. Meanwhile, each magical waterball removes 2 layers of random buffs from the target and deals 160% ATK DMG, with a 40%/50%/60%/70%/70% chance to inflict [SPD Down I] for 2 turns.

Passive Skill: <Undertow>

Skill effects completely changed. After: When Edith lands a Crit, gains [Resolute II] for 1 turn. Also, when Edith's Crit DMG is over 150%, increases her Turn Meter by 1.8%/2.1%/2.4%/2.7%/3.0% at the beginning of each wave for every 50% Crit DMG of the exceeded part, up to 7.2%/8.4%/9.6%/10.8%/12.0% Turn Meter can be increased in this way.

Active Skill: <Concentrating Waterball>

Before: Deals 360%/390%/420%/450%/450% ATK DMG to all enemies. The fewer the enemies, the higher the DMG dealt, up to 1080%.

After: Deals 260%/280%/300%/320%/320% ATK DMG to all enemies, with a 50% chance to inflict [RES Buff] effect on them for 1 turn.


Level 1

Skill effects completely changed. After: <Waterball Attack>: Each magical waterball removes 3 layers of buffs instead. Also, when the waterballs attack the same target continuously for the 3rd time, there is a 100% chance to inflict [SPD Down II] for 2 turns.

Level 2

Skill effects completely changed. After: <Undertow>: When Edith lands a Crit, grants all allies [Resolute II] for 1 turn.

Level 3

Skill effects completely changed. After: <Undertow>: The effect that increases Turn Meter will be triggered as well at the end of Edith's turns.

You can access more information about feature adjustments and fixed bugs on the in-game noticeboard on February 29th.
